METRONET Ellenbrook Line Finally Set To Open

Ellenbrook residents rejoice as METRONET line set to open for service.

It feels like it’s been more than 20 years since the conversation around a train line to Ellenbrook first started. Now, it’s about to get its grand opening to a chorus of cheers from the residents of Ellenbrook and surrounding areas. 

The official opening date will be Sunday, December 8th with a series of community events being hosted at key stations on the Ellenbrook line as part of the celebrations. The community events will include family-friendly entertainment at each of the five new stations including free sausage sizzles, food trucks, entertainment, and music. 

METRONET Ellenbrook Station
METRONET Ellenbrook Station | Credit: Supplied

The METRONET Ellenbrook line will connect the area to the CBD, providing commuters a cheap, quick, and reliable public transport option. Five new stations have been included on the Ellenbrook line before it hits Bayswater — they are Morley, Noranda, Ballajura, Whiteman Park, and Ellenbrook. A trip from Ellenbrook to the CBD will take approximately 31 minutes.

Premier Roger Cook commented, “This METRONET project will transform the north-eastern suburbs, providing affordable or free public transport on a world-class rail network for tens of thousands of local families.”

Fares will be capped at $4.16 with a SmartRider thanks to the Government’s two-zone fare cap, with free fares on Sundays, and free travel for school students throughout the week.

METRONET Bayswater Station
METRONET Bayswater Station | Credit: Supplied
METRONET Morley Station
METRONET Morley Station | Credit: Supplied
METRONET Noranda Station
METRONET Noranda Station | Credit: Supplied
METRONET Whiteman Park Station
METRONET Whiteman Park Station | Credit: Supplied
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